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Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

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Part Drawing of Air-conditioning System (A/C).

A/C control system structure.

Instructions to A/C system keys (See Fig. A).

A/C controller plug and socket and definitions (Fig. A).

System trouble diagnosis procedures (Fig. A).

Port definition (Fig. B).

Self-checking process (Fig. B).

Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) display (Fig. B).

Diagnostic trouble code (Fig. B).

Part Drawing of Air-conditioning System (A/C).

Diesel engine 2.5TCI.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Gasoline engine 4G69.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

A/C control system structure.

The A/C control system is mainly comprised of A/C control unit, sensor and actuator element. Wherein, indoor temperature sensor and A/C control unit are integrated onto A/C control panel.

Fig. A.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Instructions to A/C system keys (See Fig. A).

Air speed key and temperature control key of K109 are realized in the form of adjusting knob. However, K1 is configured with feather-touch function keys. Accordingly, they are differently handled.

1. Air speed adjusting knob.

Under electrical control, the highest air speed is still kept after A/C is restarted next time upon power failure or enabled OFF key as A/C is at its highest air speed. However, the air speed is switched when the air volume increases to the max. volume. Under AUTO mode, the air speed is still under automatic control.

2. Temperature adjusting knob.

Under modes of COOL (17°C) or HOT (32°C), exit automatic control before these modes prevail. Under the mode of COOL or HOT, AUTO key is unavailable. AUTO is accessible only after exiting the state of max. cooling capacity or max. warming capacity.

A/C controller plug and socket and definitions (Fig. A).

Model of plug and socket: AMP C-966658-1 (Green).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Definitions of plug and socket (Fig. A).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

System trouble diagnosis procedures (Fig. A).

1. Press AC key and circulation key synchronously and enter into failure detection state after 2s.

2. Observe whether mode VENT, mode BL, mode FOOT, mode MIX, AUTO, defrost, back window heating and other indicator lamps flash to judge failures. Under normal operating conditions, these indicator lamps will not flash. Otherwise, the system encounters failures.

3. Press “OFF” to exit the failure detection mode and return to the state before failure detection.

4. Procedures of failure detection are listed in the table below.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Fig. B.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Port definition (Fig. B).

Sheath model: AMP 966658-1 (Green).

Engaging sheath model: AMP 1534222-1 and AMP 1420000-1.

Model of engaging plug and socket: AMP 928999-1.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Self-checking process (Fig. B).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) display (Fig. B).

As for data display, two numbers to indicate set temperature are defined. Upon a trouble, related code is displayed. If no trouble, 00 is displayed. The data will be displayed every 0.5s. The display duration is 0.5s. Time interval of a trouble is 1s. Every DTC is displayed twice. For example, as trouble 1 and 2 occurs, the display is shown in the Figure below.

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

Diagnostic trouble code (Fig. B).

Great Wall Air conditioning System (K5-4G63-4G69-2.5TCI LHD).

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